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Resources were gathered and shared at the 2014 Bonner High-Impact Planning Retreat
Civic Scholars: Engaged Campuses (held March, 2014 at Allegheny College)
Relevant Slides/Presentation
Note: this is part of a larger presentation that also covered other tools for changing culture and policies.
Select Articles & Reports
(Click on pdf link to download)
Click to download Additional Tenure and Rewards Resources, a longer list of relevant resources (articles, books, etc.) here.
Community-Engaged Scholarship: Is Faculty Work in Communities a True Academic Enterprise? by Diane C. Calleson, PhD, Catherine Jordan, PhD, and Sarena D. Seifer, MD. (connected with the work of Campus-Community Partnerships for Health). The article draws on the work of the Commission on Community Engaged Scholarship in the Health Professions . As noted in the Abstract, "The authors define the work that faculty engage in with communities, consider whether all work by faculty in community-based settings is actually scholarship, and propose a framework for document- ing and assessing community-engaged scholarship for promotion and tenure decisions." (Very useful definitions).
Council on Undergraduate Research 2011 Quarterly Article: "Promoting Undergraduate Research through Revising Tenure and Promotion Policy" by Alicia S. Schultheis, Terence M. Farrell, Elizabeth L. Paul, Stetson University. This article discusses "several impediments to recognizing and valuing undergraduate research in the faculty reward system. We then provide suggestions for surmounting these obstacles and describe specific examples of how some of these recommendations were incorporated into a recent revision of tenure and promotion policy at Stetson University."
Imagining America Public Scholarship T&P Report.pdf
THE CHALLENGES OF REWARDING NEW FORMS OF SCHOLARSHIP: CREATING ACADEMIC CULTURES THAT SUPPORT COMMUNITY-ENGAGED SCHOLARSHIP, a new report by Saltmarsh, Wooding, and McLellan (2014) that is the result of a meeting involving over 30 faculty and staff from all five campuses of the University of Massachusetts system.
Download the report at: Challenges_of_Rewarding_New_Forms_of_Scholarship_FINAL.pdf
Community Partner Voice and Perspective:
The Scholarship of Community Partner Voice, by Sean Creighton
(published in The Higher Education Exchange, 2008, The Kettering Foundation)
This article explores the challenges of working collaboratively with community partners to reframe scholarship, teaching and learning. It presents many helpful critiques and considerations for language. This article may be especially helpful as teams explore how to bring partners and faculty together on projects.
Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners, by Elmer Freeman, Susan Gust, and Deborah Aloshen
In this article, three community partners, experienced with and engaged in partnerships between universities and communities with varying challenges of success and failure, examine the specific challenge of review, promotion, and tenure for community-engaged faculty.
Examples (Sample Language, Links to Websites, Toolkits)
This list of examples to consider to find language, sample policies, toolkits, and other resources (which have integrated community engagement formally into tenure and rewards) was researched for our meetings but supplemented in 2015 through the contributions of an exchange of information on the Higher Education Service-Learning Listserv, a valuable resource.
Campus-Community Partnerships for Health (CCPH) has an excellent Community-Engaged Scholarship Toolkit which features units (especially for faculty in the process) on planning for promotion and tenure, creating a strong portfolio, portfolio examples, and more. This includes definitions of community-engaged scholarship and other resources. They have also published (and feature on their site) several articles and contributed to
See: http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/toolkit-intro.html
Links include:
Why We Developed This Toolkit
Defining Community-Engaged Scholarship
Toolkit Goals & Components
How The Toolkit Was Developed
How To Cite the Toolkit
How To Use The Toolkit
About the Authors
References & Resources
California State University Monterey Bay
CSU Monterey Bay provided their policy for Retention, Tenure and Promotion, which has four areas of scholarship. They are:
-Teaching and Learning
-Discovery, Creation and Integration
-Professional Application
-University Service
The Professional Application category of scholarship explicitly talks to the following characteristics:
a. They contribute to the public welfare or the common good;
b. They call upon a faculty member’s academic and/or professional expertise;
c. They directly address or respond to real-world needs; and
d. They support the CSUMB Vision.
You can find the policy at: http://ap.csumb.edu/retention-tenure-promotion
Michigan State University uses a typology of Publicly Engaged Scholarship
Michigan has been considered a leader in this area; the two hefty volumes below were co-edited by Hiram Fitzgerald, Cathy Burack, and Serena Seifer:
Fitzgerald HE, Burack C and Seifer SD (Eds.) Handbook of Engaged Scholarship, Volume 1 - Institutional Change: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions. Michigan State University Press, 2010. CCPH members can purchase this book at a substantial discount.
Fitzgerald HE, Burack C and Seifer SD (Eds.) Handbook of Engaged Scholarship, Volume 2 - Community-Campus Partnerships: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions. Michigan State University Press, 2010. CCPH members can purchase this book at a substantial discount.
See: MSU’s Report on College of Arts and Letters Scholarly Outreach and Engagement. MSU-ArtsPromotionTenureReport copy.pdf
University of Arizona: Promoting an Inclusive View of Scholarship: Promotion & Tenure
Download as a handout or visit online: UofArizona Engaged Scholarship Policies copy.pdf
University of Arizona has a very extensive set of online resources on tenure policies. See:
Sidebars include lots of helpful information, sample language, dossier templates, and more.
Promotion Dossier Templates (P&T or CS&P)
Guide to the Promotion Process (PDF)
Cover memo initiating 2013-14 P&T/CS&P process (PDF) Promoting an Inclusive View of Scholarship
Suggested Format for CV (PDF)
The Promotion Dossier Workshop (Video)
Workshop Presentation (PDF)
Teacher Course Evaluations Guide (PDF)
Find Out More
University of New Mexico. See comprehensive information at http://artsci.unm.edu/for-faculty/faculty/promotion-tenure.html
UNM’s Provost’s Council for Equity and Inclusion redrafted sections of the Faculty Hiring Handbook stating that both faculty and staff position announcements should to reflect “demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and student success as well as working with broadly diverse communities." Additionally, the council proposed the inclusion of language in all position announcements that would demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and student success as their top priority, signaling a positive impact on the diversity of candidacy pools, the quality of faculty that apply and ultimately, the diversity of faculty that are hired. The Council also recommended that all position announcements suggest applicants provide evidence through their:
● Experience with varied teaching methods and/or curricular perspectives.
● Experience engaging diverse communities in college outreach efforts.
● Experience working with a diverse student population.
● Evidence of their community engagement through their: (a) teaching; (b) research service; and/or (c) civic engagement.
Currently, the Faculty Hiring Handbook states:
“This University exists to educate, to conduct research and creative activities, and to perform related services on behalf of the community that supports it. The University of New Mexico has a responsibility to its students and to the citizens of the state to actively recruit and hire the best qualified candidates it can, and to do so in the context of its commitment to affirmative action principles and diversity.”
Campus Studies and Presentations
Nazareth College: "The Scholarship of Engagement" report and article presented by Jed Metzger, Assistant Professor, Social Work; Shirley Szekeres, Dean School of HHS; with consultation from: Marie Watkins, Director CSL. This is an excellent resource with an approach (taxonomy drawing on Barker, 2004); other institutional examples; and criteria from the National Review Board for the scholarship of engagement.
Nazareth College Scholarship of Engagement Review.pdf
Missouri State University: Faculty Centers for Teaching and Learning and Citizenship and Service-Learning with Sherril Gelmon (Portland State University) and Susan Agre-Kippenhan (Montana State University) developed a presentation called "Engaged Scholarship: Practical Suggestions for Presenting Your Work"
MSU Engaged Scholarship Practical Suggestions for Presenting Your Work.pdf
Integration into Faculty Recruitment and Hiring
Kristin Norris (IUPUI) and Amanda Wittman (Clark University) suggested more explicit language in faculty hiring and job announcements. Amanda provided an example of a job posting that is explicit about community-engaged research. As Kristin mentions, it is upfront and direct about the importance of community-based work to the position.
Major Websites
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