2013 High Impact Retreat Readings


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Reading List for the 2014 Meeting for Incoming Bonner High-Impact Team Leaders





There are nine articles:


A Crucible Moment:  College Learning and Democracy’s Futureby The National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2012.

Especially skim chapter 4 


Democratic Engagement White Paper, by John Saltmarsh, Matt Hartley, and Patti Clayton, published by New England Resource Center for Higher Education, 2009.

13 page article


Full Participation: Building the Architecture for Diversity and Public Engagement in Higher Education by Susan Sturm, Tim Eatman, John Saltmarsh, and Adam Bush, 2011

13 page article


High-Impact Educational Practices: What they are, who has access to them, and why they matter, by George D. Kuh, published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.

15 pages of larger report


Linking High-Impact Practices and High-Impact Community Engagement, by Ariane Hoy, published in Diversity & Democracy, by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.

short article (2-3 pages)


Navigating the Power Dynamic Between Institutions and their Communities, by Byron P. White, a study for the Kettering Foundation, 2009.

18 page (double-spaced) report


Stanford Social Innovation Review:  Collective Impact by John Kania and Mark Kramer, 2012.

7 page article


The Scholarship of Community Partner Voice, by Sean Creighton, published in The Higher Education Exchange, 2008, The Kettering Foundation

17 page article


Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners, by Elmer Freeman, Susan Gust, and Deborah Aloshen 

17 page article