Guilford College Big Idea 2012-2013

















Congress Reps for 2012-2013


What's Your Big Idea Category? (please bold which one)

- Student Leadership & Development  


In 400 words or less, please describe your Big Idea. What is it and why have you decided to work on it this year? How may it strengthen your program, campus, and/or community?


We plan to focus on Community Building and accountability within our Bonner Program. We are restructuring the program so that it will involve more student leadership. The Bonner Advisory Board will take on a major role of governance in this new structure. The BIG Idea will include a new disciplinary action plan and student appreciations. This years big idea will help strengthen the Bonner program through creating a greater sense of community while also allowing the scholars to take more initiative within the program building in stronger for the future generations.



In 400 words or less, please describe your strategy. The following questions should draw out the tools, resources, and support you are using to promote and achieve your Big Idea. You'll have a chance to flesh out your plan, but here is a chance to get the basics down: 


The Bonner Coordinator, Director, Vista, and volunteer training coordinator have all committed to helping the Bonner Congress Representatives in achieving this Big Idea.


In achieving Guilford College’s big idea, we (the Bonner reps) are analyzing other programs (Morehouse College) success with policy enforcement and looking to incorporate some of their ideas, along with looking at other groups on campus (Campus Life) and incorporating some of their tactics for community building.


1. Implementation of a stronger system of accountability

2. Create a more defined Bonner Advisory board with clear parameters, job positions and guidelines

3. Strengthen the sense of community within the Bonner program


A good Big Idea proposal is one that connects with broader goals you may have for your program, campus, or community. Please answer the question below, which should help you think through those larger themes.


The Bonner Advisory Board will have a governing presence within the program as policy enforcers. Bonners will be aware of the responsibilities and roles of BAB.  In the future Bonners will also be more accountable and as a result the Bonner coordinator will be allowed to place more effort into the student’s developmental model and consequently devote less time to hour log upkeep. The ultimate goal is for the Bonner program at Guilford to be seen more as a group allowing members to feel a sense of community and responsibility to the program.


Please draft some of your benchmark goals into the framework below:








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