10 Things Schools Can Do This Spring to Engage Students in the Elections

10 Things Schools Can Do This Spring to Engage Students in the Elections


1. Build a Team



2. Check the Calendar. Develop a preliminary calendar including 


  Key campus dates:


Election related dates: For info on state deadlines and rules, nonprofitvote.org links to info supplied by your Secretary of State and the League of Women Voters site, vote411.org has excellent summaries.


3. Identify Key Potential Areas for Campus Efforts

  Voter Registration: Schools can play a key role in helping get students registered.  Add registration components to activities like graduation, orientation, course registration, sporting events and concerts. Encourage student and relevant off-campus groups (like the PIRGS) to register voters in public spaces, like campus quads and the student union. If you have a residential campus, work with student organizations to do a “dorm storm,” where they go door to door to register students where they live. Encourage the campus Republicans and Democrats to do joint registration drives.



4. Plan IT support for student engagement and voter education 


Campus web pages, listservs, and social media sites can play a key role in getting students registered and involved. Work with your IT department to place the Rock the Vote registration tool on prominent campus websites and distribute it through campus email. Ask them to distribute the nearly completed election-information SmartPhone app that we’ll be sending out shortly from the Lawyer’s Committee on Civil Rights, by publicizing the URL to download it and display its QR code in venues like the football stadium Jumbotron screen.



5. Check out existing web resources - and keep your eyes open for more to come



6. Include registration options at key Spring events and in key materials


  • Display the Rock the Vote registration tool prominently on key campus web pages, particularly those where students sign up for Fall classes.
  • Include mail-in registration forms in any materials given to students (e.g., class descriptions, graduation packets, summer residential life forms).
  • Try to incorporate voter registration drives into as many end-of-year activities as possible, like graduation.  One person with 100 voter registration forms can register lots of people in just an hour.



7. Encourage student to vote in primaries and local elections.

Nearly half the states still have upcoming primaries and local elections. They’re great places to learn about candidates and issues and become more involved.  Congressional seats, Senate seats and state and local offices fill out most primary ballots. Talk about ways these matter.



8. Encourage faculty to add voter education to their curriculums

  •    Invite primary candidates (presidential, Senate, Congressional or local) to speak on campus, or even host a debate.
  • Include voter registration forms in course syllabi.
  • Incorporate relevant election-related discussions and readings into classes.
  • Combat political cynicism by exploring how electoral and non-electoral participation can complement each other, whether in the civil rights movement, Occupy, or the Tea Party. Assign books that give students a sense of how social change has unfolded in America, and the critical role of elections.
  • Add an election volunteering component to classes involving service learning. See nonprofitvote.org for nonpartisan ways nonprofits can register and educate voters.



9. Build master lists for fall updates

Get emails (for text message) and phone numbers from all related events and programs.  By fall, this could be a great list of students for Get Out the Vote efforts.



10. Work with the local board of elections for an on-campus polling location 

Making voting easy and convenient will significantly boost campus voter turnout.



Produced by the Campus Election Engagement Project, a nonpartisan effort, founded by Soul of a Citizen author Paul Loeb, to help campuses involve students in the election, working primarily through the state affiliates of Campus Compact and other partners like Youth Service America. For more info contact campuselect@gmail.com