Bonner International Partnerships Map

Dear Bonners friends,


In order to provide you, and other Bonners with the best possible international and network resources, we would like to know where you have served.  Therefore, we are tracking our global impact through a collaborate google map that marks the international locations and partnering organzations that you all have served with.  Please take a few moments to add the location or international partner organization that you have served with. 


Follow these 7 easy steps: 


Step 1) Click on the link to the Bonner International Partnerships Map


Step 2) Click on My places and log in.


Step 3) Search for your international partner organization or their location. (If you cannot find the location, use your mouse to pan around the map, click on the placemaker (blue pin), and then drop the placemaker on the map on the location where you served.  Don’t forget to type the name of the international partner or community you served with in the title section here.)


Step 4) Click on the location marker (red pin) on the map to bring up the information window.


Step 5) Click on Save to map, and then select the option “International Partners Map” from the drop-down menu.


Step 6) Click Save.


Step 7) Click View map in the dialogue box that appears at the top to return to the International Partners map.


Thank you for your cooperation,


For more information on the Bonner Global Village Network, please visit



Victoria Thompson