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Freestore Foodbank
Address: 112 E. Liberty Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Organization Description:
The Freestore Foodbank distributes over 18 million pounds of food annually. In 20 counties in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, we have a trusted network of over 325 local member agencies. Member agencies include soup kitchens and shelters, food pantries, churches, daycare and senior centers, and many other community and social services organizations.
Our Customer Connection Center distinguishes the Freestore Foodbank from other food banks. The Customer Connection Center (in Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine) works to meet the needs of our community’s most vulnerable citizens: the homeless, the unemployed, the working poor, and families in crisis. By providing emergency food, we work to determine the root causes of poverty and food insecurity, and this allows us to offer services aimed at creating self-reliance.
When people come to us for food, we help them find the other things they may need — a safe place to live, government benefits they need, access to affordable health care, clothing or job skills and placement. In our line of work, food is not the end product. Rather, food is the vehicle for a larger conversation that leads to self-reliance.
We provide food and services, create stability, and further self-reliance for people in crisis.
To be the leader of a community mobilized to end hunger and address its causes.
Core Values
Commitment: We will not accept hunger.
Compassion: We embrace diversity.
Respect: We are in service with our neighbors.
Empowerment: Those we serve can succeed independently.
Community: We collaborate with others in our region.
Issue Area(s):
- Poverty & Hunger
- Homelessness & Housing
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break/Short-term Service Project Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
- Job opportunity
- Resource Provider
Alternative Breaks/Short-Term Service Project
Type of Opportunity & Description:
Groups of 10-30 team members may be scheduled to serve at our distribution center. Work includes sorting of canned goods, packing boxes in preparation for holidays, or assembling Power Packs. Groups are scheduled to serve Tuesday through Saturday, with shift times 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm, or 5pm-8pm (Tuesday-Thursday only).
More flexibility for scheduling and team size is available for The Giving Fields. This is an outdoor opportunity, on a farm, with service varying depending on the needs of the harvest season. Work could include planting, watering, grass cutting/maintenance, or harvesting. The Giving Fields is open late March to mid-October.
Start/End Dates: on-going
Application Process: Interested group leaders should contact the Volunteer Program Manager as listed on this page as soon as dates are known. We do book quickly with local corporate, school, and church groups throughout the year, so early planning is necessary. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Application and liability waiver required from all volunteers.
Application Deadline: rolling
Stipend Provided?: no
Housing Provided?: no
Hosted Bonners before?: no
Policy and Advocacy Connection
Does this organization/program offer opportunities for students to engage in policy research, advocacy, lobbying, public education, etc.?
Type of Opportunity & Description:
Current Contact
Updated 11/25/2011
Name/Position: Lee Ann Luxenberger, Volunteer Program Manager
Phone: 513-482-4520
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