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Montclair Year at a Glance

Page history last edited by Kelly Behrend 13 years, 3 months ago


Montclair State University


Please complete responses to the following prompts by July 11, 2011.  To upload files or documents:  Click edit.  Click Images and files in the right sidebar. Find and upload your file from your computer or server.  You can also cut and paste it in.


Community Partnerships:


  • In a few paragraphs, describe 1-2 outstanding examples or highlights of community partnerships and projects that were accomplished with them through the regular school year.  For example, you may choose to profile the work of a particular site team, research project, or other innovative initiative.


Student Development:


  • Please briefly describe your Bonner Program meeting structure here.


  • Please briefly describe your student leadership structure (i.e., BLT, interns, etc.) and any key projects or initiatives they accomplished here.


  • Please upload a copy of your training and enrichment calendar.  Also, feel free to upload and briefly annotate any particularly useful training, education, or reflection sessions you can share with the network. 



Cornerstone Activities:


  • In a few sentences, describe your First Year Trip.  Include the dates, location, type of service and key partners involved (name, address, website link so that we can build a google map of trip partners).


  • In a few sentences, describe your Second Year Exchange.  Include the partner campuses, dates, location, main activities (i.e., service, conference), and key partners involved (name, address, website link).


  • In a few sentences, describe any Junior or Senior Enrichment projects or leadership roles that upper-class students in your program played this year.


  • If relevant, please describe the structure for Senior Capstone projects.  Select one that you'd like to share with the network.  


Campus-wide Collaboration:


  • In a few paragraphs, describe an initiative or project that involved cross-campus collaboration this year.  For example, you may want to highlight an initiative (service day, awareness week, issue forum) involving faculty, career services, multicultural life, student affairs, and/or other clubs and organizations.  Or you may want to describe collaboration that contributed to improvements or success with core Bonner Program functions (i.e., recruitment, staffing, PR).


Serve 2.0:


  • This year marks the completion of the third of the Serve 2.0 initiative. Please provide the names and links for your program's use of any of the following platforms.  
    • Facebook:
    • Wiki pages:
    • YouTube:
    • Podcasts:
    • Twitter: 
    •  Other: 


  • In addition, in a few paragraphs, describe what web-based tools your program has found most useful.  We are particularly interested in knowing which you continue to use and manage regularly and why.







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