Bluefield College Big Idea Proposal, 2010-2011





 Big Idea Title: Annual Community Service Retreat


Name of Congress Representatives: Casey Palmer and Dawnn Fletcher


Your Proposal: Our proposal is to host a community service based retreat that is open to the entire campus. We chose this particular avenue because not all students on campus are aware of exactly what the Bonner Program is all about and we think that a fun filled weekend centered around community service would be a great way to demonstrate our mission. The retreat would allow students who are interested in community service to interact with one another while impacting our area. We think that once students learn that there are so many different ways to volunteer and experience how enjoyable and rewarding community service can be, they will want to be apart of the Bonner Leader program. We hope that by engaging more students in service that our entire campus, faculty, staff and students alike will become more service oriented and we will then be able to take on larger projects to make a difference in the greater Bluefield area. Our goals for implementing this idea are to first partner with the Greek organizations and Baptist Collegiate Ministries each of who are involved in community service and brainstorm about the retreat. Secondly we need to find a suitable location for our retreat. Currently we think that Joy Ranch in Hillsville, VA would be a wonderful venue. Thirdly, we need to publicize, publicize, publicize. We can achieve this by hanging fliers, making announcements at  weekly convocations,sending our emails, forming a Facebook group and most importantly by word of mouth by our Bonner Leaders. If we are not excited about the retreat them no one will be. Our hope is that if we start planning now that we can have an amazing retreat in place for the Fall of 2011.

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