Member Management

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Introduction to Member Management



Direct Service Placements

The majority of the expectations of students in an AmeriCorps term are no different than for those in a traditional Bonner position. There are, however, some additional limitations on the types of service eligible for AmeriCorps, which are outlined in the “Prohibited Activities” section below.


For the purposes of the Bonner Program, “community service” is defined as service provided to individuals or communities to meet social, educational, or environmental needs. This service may be provided directly or indirectly through a student-initiated project or a project sponsored by a nonprofit agency.


The maximum number of hours per day that may be counted toward an AmeriCorps term is 12 hours per day. However, with prior approval from the Foundation, a student may be able to demonstrate a maximum of up to 16 hours when applicable to the service assignment.


Mention here the Bonner AmeriCorps service focus for the new grant cycle? 


There are different types of service that your Members can perform: 


Members are expected to serve the majority of their service hours at a single community partner. Once Members identify their service partner, they are required to complete a Community Learning Agreement in BWBRS, and link all their hours in their primary placement to the appropriate Community Learning Agreement, or CLA. 


One-time events should be recorded in BWBRS as “Other Position/Non-CLA”  opportunities, and may be counted toward an AmeriCorps term as long as the service is not a prohibited activity (link/“see below”).  Every Service Opportunity requires that a service partner and position is created in BWBRS. Throughout the year, Bonner AmeriCorps members should have opportunities to come together for special events related to their service. Events might include: Martin Luther King Day of Service, National Volunteer Week, and National Youth Service Day. These one-time service opportunities must be approved by the campus director, as with all other hours, but no CLA is required.


Break trips must be within the United States in order to count toward completion of an AmeriCorps term. Similar to one-time service opportunities, Members need not create a CLA for a Service Trip unless their primary placement is coordination of the trip. 


[Other types of placements???]


Now that you’ve had an overview, let’s get to the particulars, starting with what a traditional Bonner Scholar service position and an AmeriCorps position have in common:




So, if so much between is the same between a traditional Bonner position and a Bonner AmeriCorps position, what’s different? Not much! Positions that are considered weak Bonner positions also translate to weak - and often ineligible - AmeriCorps positions. See Prohibited Activities below for a full listing of activities that are prohibited for AmeriCorps members.


Training and Enrichment 

The Bonner Foundation requires institutions and organizations to provide Bonner AmeriCorps Members with on-going training to prepare and strengthen their skills and knowledge for their service work.  This training should be appropriate to each stage of the students’ personal development and service responsibilities. All Bonner AmeriCorps Members should participate in some form of reflection process related to their service experience. Coordinators are encouraged to meet one-on-one with Bonner Leaders at least once each semester and more often for those students who are having academic or personal difficulties.


The Foundation has developed a number of resources that provide campuses concrete strategies and tools to realize student development goals in the context of the specific programs: specifically, implementation guides for co-curricular, curricular, advising, vocation, an extensive set of training modules. These resources can be found online at



Bonner AmeriCorps training must specifically address the orientation requirements mandated by the Corporation for National and Community Service.  According to the Corporation, "This orientation should be designed to enhance member security and sensitivity to the community. Orientation should cover member rights and responsibilities, including the Program's code of conduct, prohibited activities (including those specified in the regulations), requirements under the Drug-Free Workplace Act..., suspension and termination from service, grievance procedures, sexual harassment, other non-discrimination issues, and other topics as necessary."


All members should be trained on all AmeriCorps reporting requirements, particularly those performed through the Bonner Web-based Reporting System (BWBRS).  [[Link to below, BWBRS 101 -- can we do a screencast of the entire BWBRS training we might offer over the phone, break it into sections, and post it on the wiki, citing it here?]]  All members are required to utilize this system to perform their reporting requirements. This training takes approximately one hour to one and a half hours. Best practices have shown that this training is best done together as a group in a computer lab. 


Some basic facts about Training and Enrichment, or "T&E"







Prohibited Activities

Despite all the similarities between a traditional "Bonner" position and a "Bonner AmeriCorps" position, there are some key differences that affect where your AmeriCorps members are eligible to serve, so it’s important to be aware of AmeriCorp guidelines. Below is a list of prohibited AmeriCorps activities that your students should be aware of as they enroll in AmeriCorps and plan their service placements for the semester, all of which appear on pages 8 and 16 of the AmeriCorps Member Contract. The list of prohibited activities includes:



There are also several types of activities that may not be assigned to you as a Bonner AmeriCorps Member, such as:



However, AmeriCorps members, like private citizens, may participate in lobbying, political, or advocacy activities on their own time, at their own expense, and at their own initiative. Members may not wear AmeriCorps logo items in such instances.


Note: The Prohibited Activities are also outlined in the Bonner AmeriCorps Enrollment Workbook, on our website, and in the AmeriCorps member’s contract.


As an AmeriCorps Administrator, it's important that you're familiar with this entire list, but there are some common mistakes that Administrators make: 


Service at for profit community partners.

Before beginning with a new community partner, verify its nonprofit status. See below


Service that is primarily clerical in nature.

Avoid any position where a primary responsibility is administrative in nature (i.e., filing, answering phones). If members are required to perform these duties as a small component of their service at a community partner, focus the service description on the direct service and avoid language like "filing," "answering phones," and "general administrative tasks," as these are not eligible for AmeriCorps.


Service that is international.

The Foundation recognizes that AmeriCorps members may want to participate in service trips abroad during their term of service. While they are not prohibited from doing so, they cannot count international service hours (whether through direct service or in a planning capacity) toward their AmeriCorps term. Likewise, fundraising to benefit an international organization, and Training and Enrichment events that focus on international issues, are prohibited and cannot count toward a member's term of service. All service should directly benefit people living within the United States.


Service at faith-based camps.

The Corporation for National and Community Service prohibits any service at faith-based summer camps. Encourage your AmeriCorps Members who want to do service at summer camps to research camps that are geared toward low-income or at-risk youth. Finding opportunities at a local YMCA is often a good place to start.




Identify what must be logged as fundraising

Recommendation to create 2 CLAs for positions involving fundraising

Screencast for how to tag hours as fundraising



Verifying Nonprofit Status

Members may only perform service at nonprofit community partners. See the video below for some resources, like and, that can make this process easier: 


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Logging and Submitting AmeriCorps Hours 

Bonner AmeriCorps Members use the Bonner Web-based Reporting System (BWBRS) for logging their service and training & enrichment hours.  Hard-copy monthly hour log forms should be printed from BWBRS, signed by the Member, Site Supervisor (where appropriate) and Campus Director, and then mailed to the Bonner Foundation on a monthly basis. AmeriCorps Hours will not be approved by foundation until corresponding CLAs have been nationally reviewed in BWBRS.


Students should understand that hours not approved by Bonner AmeriCorps Staff and/or Campus staff in BWBRS will not count toward completion of their AmeriCorps commitment.  It is the member’s responsibility to communicate with their campus administrator about the eligibility of their service activities.


Hours served prior to the official start date as entered in BWBRS will not count toward completion of the AmeriCorps commitment. It is ultimately member's responsibility to manage their hours to work towards the successful completion of the award, but the Campus Administrator is responsible for quickly identifying members who lag behind in their hours and may not intend to complete their term, notifying the Foundation immediately. If Campus Administrators find members struggling with managing their hours, they can always take advantage of Bonner trainings modules like time management in order to help members stay on track to obtain their award.


Recommended Hour Log Process: [[Could we include a screenshot of a calendar, with notes for the events we’re suggesting???]]



-Members log hours on a weekly basis


End of the month

-Members print out Hour Logs


First week of next month

-Members retrieve site supervisor signature

-Members submit previous month's hour log with site supervisor signature to AmeriCorps Administrator

-AmeriCorps Administrator reviews hour logs, approves them, and submits them to the Foundation no later than the 15th of the month.



When reviewing the Member's hour logs, AmeriCorps Administrators should look for the following: 



Bonner AmeriCorps Administrators are encouraged to make copies of all time sheets and place them in each member's file.


Who can sign?



What will count?

In order to be counted toward an AmeriCorps term, hours must be:

Hours will not count if:


**Tips: Make site supervisor signature collection easier by having members give all time sheets to student site leader who then retrieves site supervisor signatures and hands all site based team time sheets to Bonner AmeriCorps Administrator.  Keep track of who’s turned in time sheets with an excel document, google document, or office white board.


Community Learning Agreements


All students in the Bonner Program should complete a Community Learning Agreement (CLA) for each semester. The CLA is designed to be a collaborative effort between student, campus administrator and community partner. They should work together to articulate expectations, the service description, service outcomes and learning goals. Clear communication of goals and expectations can set the tone for the entire placement and it is imperative if the student is to gain a level of competency in a distinct skill/knowledge area through the active participation in specific direct service and learning experiences. One to four years worth of CLAs can also provide an powerful insight to what the student has accomplished through their service, charting both service outcomes and personal student development.


Some additional notes about using Community Learning Agreements:


Please go to the resource CLAs: Making Them Great for detailed information about Community Learning Agreements. 



**Reminder: At the end of each semester, please remember to change your students' CLA status to "Complete":

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Electronic Signatures



Case Managment




Monitoring Member Progress


Helpful reports like Hour Log Activity by Semester, Case Overview Report, Bonner AC Hours Remaining, etc.

This should link to the exit section!


Early Termination


Keeping track of your AmeriCorps members' progress will allow you to identify individuals who may need to be terminated from AmeriCorps prior to the end of their term. In any situation that requires an early termination, it is best to be in contact with the Bonner AmeriCorps program staff at the Foundation. 


Information on how to Exit AmeriCorps members can be found in the Exiting from AmeriCorps portion of this Manual.



Suspension & Reinstatement


At any time during a Bonner AmeriCorps Member’s term of service they may be eligible for suspension if they can demonstrate that there are “Personal and Compelling” circumstances. Suspension will “freeze” their term for a given period of time and allow them to come back and finish out the remainder of their term. 


The Corporation for National & Community Service has defined “Personal and Compelling” as circumstances that are beyond the participant’s control or that the Corporation has, for public policy reasons, determined as such. These would include personal or family illness, transferring for family member's job, military service, academic programs abroad, or leave of absence from school. It does not include reasons such as travel for non-academic purposes, or leaving to take a paid position.


The campus director and the Bonner AmeriCorps Program Staff must approve of the suspension.


Notification of all suspension requests must be submitted using the Request for Suspension Form [Link to FORMS page]



In order to be reinstated, the student must complete the Request for Reinstatement Form approved by the campus director and forwarded to the Bonner AmeriCorps program staff within 25 of the anticipated reinstatement date.


A suspension from the Bonner AmeriCorps program cannot last more than 2 years from the date of suspension. Once the student has been reinstated, the length of their suspension is added to the term of service. For example, if you are suspended for exactly 5 months, the required completion date is moved back exactly 5 months. The period of suspension cannot last longer than the amount of time that the student has left in their term of service.



Service Accomplishments

Members should enter Service Accomplishments in BWBRS at the end of every semester/summer during which they perform AmeriCorps service.  This is an opportunity for the student to reflect on their experience and gauge the scope of the impact their service has had.  Service Accomplishments are also vital to the work of the Bonner Foundation, since the information members provide in their Service Accomplishments are a factor in CNCS awarding AmeriCorps slots to the Foundation.  Therefore, member cooperation in entering Service Accomplishments benefits future Bonner AmeriCorps members.


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What to track:



While data provided through the service accomplishments are essential and important to the Bonner AmeriCorps Program, lack of service accomplishments will not delay or affect the exiting process.