

Recommitment & Renewal | Vocational Discernment | Senior Capstone Experience | Supplemental Resources


“There is a Quaker saying ‘Let your life speak.’

Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it
listen for what it intends to do with you.
Before you tell your life what truths and values
you have decided to live up to,
let your life tell you what truths you embody,
what values you represent.”
-Parker Palmer

Background and Purpose:


In the same way that Bonners begin their experience with the Bonner Program through exploration, so too, do they begin their college career. This is a time for them to explore the world in which they live and to discover where their specific talents may be leading, or “calling” them. By the end of their second year of college, most Bonner Scholars will have declared a major and are beginning to focus more specifically on their career, or “vocation”. Juniors and seniors begin to critically examine how all of the pieces of their lives (academics, civic engagement activities, co-curricular experiences, spiritual and religious beliefs, and values) are interconnected. This prompts a quest to determine how they can live a life than honors who they are as human beings. This quest is the journey of vocational discernment.


The Bonner Foundation has defined vocation as:


“the ongoing process of discerning one’s life work

and its impact on local and global communities.”


The process of discerning one’s vocational calling is often a difficult task, especially when surrounded by the “noise and chaos” of campus life. Through conversations and activities focused on vocational discernment, Bonner Scholars will be encouraged to reflect on personal values and priorities, to identify a “life mission”, to establish a “vocational support network”, and to integrate vocational passion with civic engagement. In the Bonner Scholars Program, this ongoing discernment process will be directed through three key practices: Sophomore Recommitment & Renewal, Vocational Discernment Initiatives, and Senior Presentation of Learning/Capstone Experience.


Between the sophomore and junior years this conversation is evidenced in the Sophomore Recommitment & Renewal process. In the senior year the dialogue takes a more personalized and focused form as a Senior Presentation of Learning or Capstone experience. These two milestone events rest on a broader foundation of vocational calling/discernment initiatives that will guide students through the entirety of their college career.


It is important to remember that one of the Common Commitments articulated by the Bonner Foundation is “diversity”. It is in recognition of that commitment that a variety of approaches to the vocational discernment process are encouraged. Not only may the dialogue surrounding vocational initiatives vary based on the secular or religious nature of the campus context, but it may also change within a campus community based on the personal spiritual or faith paradigm held by each student.


Best Practices included in this site:










Supplemental Resources:














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