Vocation Resources: Assessments


Career Anchors Inventory "designed to help people uncover their real values and make better career decisions"
The Career Anchors Instrument provides a systematic way of exploring how you perceive yourself, based on your own experiences. The instrument is divided into three parts: the orientations inventory, the career anchor interview, and the conceptual material. Career Anchors help you: define the themes and patterns dominant in your life, understand your own approach to work and a career, provide reasons for choices, and take steps to fulfill your own self-image.
Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
The MBTI is a widely used personality inventory based on the Function Type theory of Jung. It enables one to learn their preferences to determine their strengths and recognize what kinds of work they might enjoy while achieving personal fulfillment and career satisfaction.  
Spiritual Gifts Assessment
http://www.umc.org/interior.asp?ptid=1&mid=2268   (free spiritual gifts assessment)
The United Methodist Church web site provides an on-line assessment of spiritual gifts.
www.keirsey.com (Keirsey Temperament Sorter - 5 min. assessment, summary & links)
The Keirsey instrument measures preferences, not skills.   What do you do when you have your druthers?   It's a 16 question, self-scoring questionnaire designed to identify the four temperaments.  This instrument also includes a brief description of each temperament.
www.assessment.com (20 minute assessment, abbreviated summary is free)
Your MAPP Assessment (Motivational Appraisal for Personal Potential) reveals your natural motivations and talent for work. When your job matches your true motivations work seems easier and is more fulfilling.
www.wonderlic.com (Career Directions Inventory - $12.95)
Are you considering a career change? Are you stuck in a job that doesn't satisfy you? Do you know which direction you should be heading?  The Career Directions Inventory (CDI) can help you plan an interesting and rewarding career. The CDI accurately measures your work interests and provides you with a detailed comprehensive report linking your interests to valuable job resources.  
www.census2000.org/description-2-28-career_ assessment_instruments.html
This site is a clearinghouse of on-line career development assessment tools and career forecasting.   Excellent resource.
www.doi.gov/octc/holland.html (free Holland Inventory and interpretation)
The Holland Occupational Themes instrument measures self-reporting vocational   interests and skills. It is based on the belief that interests and skills are closely   intertwined. In general, people tend to enjoy things they do well. Likewise, they tend to   perform well in areas they find interesting. Interests and skills are organized into six categories:   realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional. 

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