Introducing Bonner to Community Partners


Introducing Bonner to Community Partners 


Introducing Bonner to Community Partners 


1. Brochure for Community Partners:  Bonner Brochure.pdf

A two-page sample brochure covering the background, Bonner Scholars Program, Bonner Leaders Program, Common Commitments, and campuses created graphically in Pages for use by programs.


2. Introduction of the Bonner Foundation for Community Partners:  Intro of Bonner Foundation.doc

A four-page word document covering the background, Bonner Scholars Program, Bonner Leaders Program, Common Commitments, and campuses that can be modified (adding in campus program history and information).


3. Powerpoint of the Bonner Model:  PP of the Bonner Model.ppt 

A 21-page Powerpoint of the Bonner Model that can be modified and used for presentations.


4. Introduction to the Bonner Program Student Development Model:  Intro to Stud Dev Model.doc 


A seven-page word document covering the 5 E’s, Common Commitments, skills, campus roadmap (to be customized), student profiles, and things Community Partners can do to support student development and community impact.


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