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Fall Bonner Congress Meeting

Page history last edited by Annie Pasqua 10 years ago






Bonner Congress Representatives from around the country will gather at Guilford College in Greensboro, NC with a mission to develop their Big Ideas, strategize about issues in their region, and learn from each other and national partner organizations.


Now in its sixth year, the Big Idea project prompts student representatives to come to the meeting with a range of ideas for improving and enhancing the Bonner Program and service more broadly in their campus communities.


The Bonner Advisory Board (BAB) will help lead Bonner Congress as student facilitators and organizers throughout the meeting. Founded in 2009, BAB carries the mission of planning and facilitating national meetings, organizing with schools in their region, and contributing to national initiatives such as the Monthly Student Newsletter and Bonner Blog. 


We want to thank Guilford College for hosting and we cannot wait for Bonner Congress 2014!


If you have any ideas for Bonner Congress 2014, please e-mail apasqua@bonner.org.


If you would like to view last year's program, here it is: 2013 Bonner Congress Meeting


Bonner Love,

Bonner Foundation Staff



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