
Fall 2009 Directors Meeting - Facilitator Notes

Page history last edited by Robert Hackett 16 years, 1 month ago

Full Final Agenda/Program:   FallDirectorsMtgProgFinal.pdf



Greetings Facilitators!


Thanks for your help with facilitating sessions.  There are two sessions in which you'll be involved, both on Monday, November 10.  The first (10:15 am - 11:30 am) will give you a cluster of campus staff to work through a series of activities to share their work on that particular issue.  The second (11:45-12:45 am) allows individuals to remain in that issue, or join another of their choosing, to go deeper with that work, talking through how they might do policy research/analysis (an issue brief) on that issue.


Please download this attachment and review it to prepare.  It walks you through a straightforward plan.

It's has many pages, but many of them are actually worksheets/handouts that you will use in the session and as large posters.


What's contained is:


Page 1-2               Facilitation Guides for your two sessions

Pages 3-7             Current Agenda for the meeting, which gives you a sense of how this flows

Pages 8-10           Worksheets that campus staff will use during session 1

Page 11                 Copy of the Campus Profile Wiki Template (which mirrors worksheets)

Pages 12-14         Poster worksheets that you'll use during session 1 (mirror campus worksheets)

Page 15                 Copy of the Working Group Wiki Template (mirrors the posters)

Page 16-19           Handouts/worksheets you'll use during session 2

Page 20                 Working Group List


Note:  We will put these materials in the printed program, so you won't have to mess around with handouts.


Also, I'd like to meet with you at 5:00 pm on November 9 (in Convocation Hall) if you can arrive by then.

We can do a final walk through.


Below is the list of how campuses are divided for the first session, which is based on their completed surveys.  (Note there could be some swaps.)


Please contact me if you have questions.






DOWNLOAD (PDF):   FallDirectorsMeetingPrep.pdf


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