
Emory and Henry College

Page history last edited by Robert Hackett 10 years, 3 months ago




Emory & Henry College

PO Box 947

Emory, VA 24327



CAMPUS AT A GLANCE (brief description)

Emory & Henry College was founded in 1836 by an ecumenical group operating under the banner of the Methodist Church. The College is named for an admired Methodist Bishop of the era, John Emory, and the voice of the American Revolution and Virginia's first governor, Patrick Henry.

Inspired by the motto "Increase in Excellence," the first faculty challenged students to grow and develop intellectually, spiritually and physically. Today, our mission continues to focus on students as they follow a path of intellectual and spiritual growth on their way to successful futures. That mission, in turn, is extended to others through a broad program of active engagement and community service. 



Location: southwest Virginia

Enrollment: 1,000

Other interesting tidbits: Emory & Henry College's Appalachian Center for Community Service also oversees the department of Public Policy and Community Service.



Name of Campus-Wide Center: Appalachian Center for Community Service

Relevant website: http://www.ehc.edu/community-service/appalachian-center-community-service


Type of Program: Bonner Scholars

Year Began: 1991

Bonner Program website: http://www.ehc.edu/community-service/service-scholarships/bonner-scholars 


Number of Bonner Scholars: 63

Active in Bonner AmeriCorps Ed Award: 4

Active in Other AmeriCorps Ed Award: 2

Active in Learn & Serve CBR: Yes

Active in FIPSE Civic Ed Certficate/Minor:  



President: Dr. Rosalind Reichard

Center Director: Tal Stanley

Bonner Director: Tal Stanley

Bonner Coordinator: Shannon Hoffman

     Office: 276-944-6250 Fax: 276-944-6170 E-mail: shoffman@ehc.edu

Bonner Senior Intern(s): Sheree Hairston, Rayce Lamb

Bonner Congress Representatives: Merideth Cox, Caitlin Hollaway, Anthony Jones



MORE ABOUT US (our partners, trips, structure, best or unique practices)


 This 2012-2013 school year, we are allowing our students to take on more leadership roles within the program by becoming a Bonner Reflection Leaders and First-Year Service Site Leaders.  


Overview of Bonner Reflection Leaders:

Two upperclass Bonners are chosen from each class to lead their class meetings, issue meetings, and helping the Bonner Coordinator with their ideas and inputs of the developing journal prompts. These leaders will meet on a regular basis with the Senior Interns and also the Bonner Coordinator as a group. Although, these students are given this opportunity to lead others, they do have requirements they must fulfill before beginning this journey. The requirements include the completion of a reflection training day and also helping assist with the Bonner first-year orientation any way possible.

Bonner Reflection Leaders for Senior class include Sophilia Hubbard and Brian Stanley.


Overview of First Year Service Site Leaders:

Upperclass Bonners are chosen to lead groups of 5-10 first year Bonner Scholars in their entry-level service. In order to eligible to be a leader, an upperclassman has to have already served atleast 1-2 years at a service site. Although, these students are given this opportunity to lead others they do have requirements they must fulfill before beginning this journey. These requirements include being able to meet with their given group once a week (i.e. for dinner), training new volunteers, and planning a large event for the community partner.

First-Year Service Site Leaders: Nic Dowdle and Joe Vaughn. 




Student Leadership Planning:

Click here for Congress Leadership Plans:





Photos and Videos


June 4-7, 2012: Our Bonner group headed down to Carson Newman college, to participate in the annual SLI! Many new friendships were made, and also a lot of new ideas were thrown out by both the Bonner Coordinator, and students that atteneded the conference as well.



 March 2012: New York trip with First-Year Bonners.


Bonner Scholar Sophilia Hubbard working with an adult from one of our community partners River's Way Outdoor Adventure Center.


Two Bonner Scholars took a trip to a nursing home in the community, and spent quality time with the elderly!



Currently: Two Bonner Scholars are participating in the Teach on the Beach program, located in Ghana. Below, Joanna Golde and Gentry Hamrick are pictured with others participating in the program and also students they are tutoring.














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