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Carson-Newman University

Page history last edited by Robert Hackett 9 years, 11 months ago







Carson-Newman University 

1646 Russell Ave.  

Jefferson City, TN 37760   





Carson-Newman is a private, four-year, Christian, coeducational liberal arts college of approximately 2,100 students. Carson-Newman emphasizes excellence in academics and classroom teaching, small classes with strong, caring relationships, and preparation for a life of meaningful service and vocation.  Founded in 1851, it is affiliated with the Baptist domination. The campus is nestled in the Upper Tennessee Valley in the the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, between two lakes, and located in Jefferson City, Tennessee.   





Location: East Tennessee (about 30 minutes from the City of Knoxville)


Enrollment: 2,100 (undergraduate college plus graduate programs in nursing, education, & counseling)


School colors: Orange and Navy Blue


Other interesting tidbits:  Mascot is the "Fighting Eagle."  1 hr from the Appalachian Trail and Smoky Mountain National Park, the College was founded in 1851 as Mossy Creek Baptist Seminary with the original school mascot being the "Fighting Parsons."  


An introduction to Jefferson City:  






Name of Campus-Wide Center: Bonner Center for Service Learning & Civic Engagement



Program Wikicnbonner.pbworks.com    


Type of Program: Bonner Scholars, Bonner Leaders, AmeriCorps, Faith and Justice Scholars, Community Service Federal Work Study, Academic Service Learning


Year Began: 1991


Address & Contact Info:


Bonner Center for Service Learning & Civic Engagement

CN Box 72008

Jefferson City, TN 37760



Bonner House

704 E King St

Jefferson City, TN 37760


Office:(865)471-3594/Fax: (865)471-4827


Number of Bonner Scholars: 44


Active in Bonner AmeriCorps Ed Award: 27


Active in FIPSE Civic Ed Certficate/Minor:  Social entrepreneurship, women's studies, environment & commuinty, conflict & justice studies


Campus Resources: Dropbox




Bonner Center Director: Dr. Nicole Saylor 

Bonner Scholars Coordinator: Patrick Gruber 

Community Connections Coordinator: Brandi Jordan

Logistics Coordinator: Renee Dudley

B.O.O.S.T. (Bonner Out Of School Time) Program Coordinator:  Matthew Cummings (AmeriCorps MVP) 

Senior Intern: Curtis Atkins

Community Impact Intern: Sarah Hodge




CN Bonner Center Programs


  1. Bonner Scholars—40+ students with financial need who earn a scholarship package in return for providing substantial community service and participating in an intensive program of citizenship and leadership training
  2. Community Connections—student-led office in the Bonner Center that serves as a liaison between Carson-Newman College and non-profit organizations in the community addressing the needs of at-risk youth by promoting student participation in volunteer opportunities and assisting faculty in implementing academic service-learning projects
  3. Bonner Leaders—25-30 students receiving a Bonner Americorps Educational Award who provide community service in one of our service sites meeting Americorps eligibility requirements
  4. C-N Service Corps—non-scholarship students who volunteer for special service events and on-going projects during the academic year
  5. Community Service/Service Learning Committee—representatives of academic departments, administrative offices, and Student Affairs who promote community service and academic service-learning across campus, facilitate faculty development in academic service-learning, and communicate with the faculty and administration on matters of community service and service-learning
  6. Social Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Leadership Studies—curricula from across the disciplines that help students apply their major and career interests to helping others, building powerful community organizations, and effecting social change that address community-defined needs
  7. Bonner Fellows—Faculty with professional expertise and interests who serve as mentors for student volunteer teams and as allies for our community partners


2010-2011 Annual Report

2009-2010 Annual Report

2008-2009 Annual Report

2007-2008 Annual Report



CN Bonner Center Community Partners

*denotes Bonner Scholar Site/Issue Team Partnership


1. Poverty & Housing

    1. Appalachian Outreach*
    2. Samaritan House
    3. Habitat for Humanity*


2. Early Childhood & Elementary Education

    1. Jefferson Middle School tutoring
    2. Jefferson City Housing Authority Learning Centers*


3. Middle & High School Youth Empowerment

    1. Mountain View Youth Development Center 
    2. The Journey Program/Jefferson County Juvenile Court*

              iv.  Boys & Girls Club of Dumplin Valley*


4. Building Food Security & Sustainable Rural Communities* 

    1. Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center
    2. Historic Mossy Creek District 
    3. C-N Recycles
    4. C-N Students for Environmental Action 


5. Health and Mental Health* 

    1. Jefferson Rural Clinic
    2. Jefferson County Health Council  


Community Connections - a student led group on campus that connects students with the needs of organizations surrounding Carson-Newman.  Their biggest event is Operation InAsMuch, which is held every fall.  The one day service event drew almost 500 students and faculty last year.



Operation INASMUCH 2012 - 
Operation INASMUCH 2011 -
Operation INASMUCH 2010 - 
Operation INASMUCH 2009 - OI brought in over 500 students this year (that's 1/4 of our campus!).  Collectively there were over 1500 hours of community service given Oct. 3rd from the Carson-Newman campus.

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