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Bonner Partner Organizations

Page history last edited by Ariane Hoy 9 years, 1 month ago

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The Bonner Scholars Program was founded in 1990 by Corella and Bertram F. Bonner. The intention of the program was to provide students with high financial need a scholarship that would provide them an “access to education, opportunity to serve.” Today the Bonner Program supports roughly 3000 students at 65 college campuses, providing them financial and programmatic support in exchange for social service. Bonners dedicate 140 hours of service each semester, over four years, and most serve 280 hours a summer. This developmental approach effectively is like a "major" for community engagement, on top of a student's other pursuits.


The Bonner Partners Program is designed to forge relationships between the Bonner Foundation, Bonner Scholars and Leaders, and the Bonner campuses with select national and international service organizations. The intention of this endeavor is to seek out and develop ways in which members of the Bonner community might benefit one another—such as through utilizing summer internships, alternative break projects, cross recruitment opportunities, post-graduation opportunities, participation in funding collaborations, sharing resources, and more.


The Bonner Partners Program ensures that Bonner students are able to engage in meaningful service experiences. This relationship will provide them not only with the opportunity to serve but valuable reflection on their experiences. This will enable them to find their voice within the service community and seek out their place as citizens in a world full of need.


As a Bonner Partner you will be invited to work with highly motivated, socially-conscientious students who will bring a strong work ethic and enthusiasm for service to your organization. You will also have the opportunity to forge connections with the larger service community through the shared resources of the Bonner Partners Program.


Specific opportunities within the Partners Program include:



Many schools sponsor week-long service projects outside their local community during school breaks.  This is a great opportunity for Partner organizations to host larger, short-term service projects.  All first year Bonner students are required to participate in an alternative break project, and all students are encouraged to seek out service opportunities during their breaks.  Particularly for alternative breaks, provision of housing is appreciated but not required.



Scholars/Leaders will use their experience and training to contribute to a service organization inside or outside their local community.  Internships primarily occur during the summer, but year-long internships may also be made available.  The students receive scholarship money from Bonner towards their tuition, but the Partner organization may also provide an additional stipend.  Or, Partners may help the student by compensating housing, food and/or transportation.  

  • Summer internships are a great way for for students to engage in medium-term, meaningful summer service.  The Bonner students will do 2-3 summer internships throughout their college career.  It is an opportunity for students to serve outside of their immediate community.  
  • Year-long internships offer students an opportunity for sustained, local service with an organization through the academic year.



Some Partner organizations are able to offer service-education opportunities.  Sometimes students will be able to earn college credit for the work they do with the Partner organization.  Other service options simply offer a significant amount of practical education in a particular area.  



Post-graduate jobs are a good opportunity to expand service beyond the Bonner Foundation's model.  Partners may extend full-time staff positions or internships to Bonner alumni.  With four years of significant social service experience, Bonner alumni make ideal employees.



If a Partner does not have service positions available, there are several ways that a Partner can still help students.

  • Training: Students are provided with enrichment opportunities, such as leadership trainings and retreats.  Bonner Partners can organize, lead or participate in these opportunities to help enrich the student's experience.
  • Bonner gatherings: Partners may be invited to attend regional or national gatherings of Bonner students to network and share experiences.
  • Information: With years of hands-on experience in many service fields, partners are a great resource for students.  They can share other service opportunities, information about the field or other ways to get involved.


If you are interested in becoming a Bonner Partner, please send an email to partners@bonner.org or contact Erin Foster at (609) 924-6663. (Erin is in the office on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm to 5pm.)


In addition to using the Bonner Partners Wiki pages, please visit the following websites for other leads:



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