Youth Service Opportunities Project
15 Rutherford Place
New York, NY 10003
Organization Description:
YSOP is a nonprofit organization that has been introducing students to volunteer service since 1983. YSOP encourages community participation among young people by engaging them in direct service to homeless and hungry individuals. YSOPís programs, which can be single day, overnight or weeklong in length, feature an orientation, education about social problems, hands-on service and reflection on the service work. YSOP helps empower participants by showing how even their smallest actions can make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Issue Areas:
- Youth Services
- Homelessness
- Hunger
Type of Bonner Partnership Connections:
Internship Position
Internship Description:
The Interns will serve as Program Assistants in YSOPís office. Duties will include publicizing program events; identifying additional worksites that can utilize volunteers; organizing students to perform community service; encouraging studentsí reflection on the volunteer experience; and helping to organize all aspects of Workcamps such as contacting guest speakers, registering student participants, purchasing food and supplies, and soliciting feedback from students and teachers on their Workcamp experience to further enhance the program. Interns will also help YSOP with fundraising efforts, including donor solicitation, grant proposals for foundations and corporations, and organization of our annual benefit. They may have opportunities to interact with YSOPís Board of Directors and attend Board meetings.
Internship Start/End Dates: Rolling; minimum of 3 weeks
Application Process:
Email Jean Sommerfield, YSOP's Associate Executive Director, at
Application Deadline: Rolling
Stipend Provided?: No
Housing Provided?: No
Hosted Bonners before?:
Service Opportunity
Service Opportunity Description:
Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
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