
Bonner Partner > Young Scholars Institute

Page history last edited by Annelisa 14 years, 9 months ago


Young Scholars Institute


349 West State St.

Trenton, NJ 08618 


Website: www.youngscholarsoftrenton.org


Contact Information: 

Lead Contact: Leslie Summiel, Associate Director

Contact Phone: 609-393-3220, Ext. 1101

Contact Email: lsummiel@youngscholarsoftrenton.org


Organization Description:

YSI is a non-profit after-school, Saturday and summer learning center that strengthens the skills necessary for approximately 2,500 disadvantaged urban school-age children annually. We seek to help youth excel academically in order to pursue higher education opportunities. We also instill and foster in our students and families a strong sense of pride in themselves in order to ensure that they develop into knowledgeable and productive citizens. 


Issue Areas:

  • Education
  • Youth Services 


Types of Bonner Partnership Connections:

  • Alternative Break Site
  • Internship Opportunity


Internship Position

Internship Description:

Our interns play a vital role in the summer enrichment program. We plan to employ teacher assistant interns who will assist the classroom teacher in developing curriculum, creating diagnostic tests, evaluating and motivating students. In the afternoons, our interns work very closely with the recreation director. The interns' responsibilities are to ensure our students' safety, and actively participate and interact with our summer scholars during our planned recreational and cultural activities. We offer enrichment classes in English, math, and science to two grade levels of students who attend the summer program: the Elementary School Enrichment Program designed for students entering the 3rd through 5th grades and the Middle School Enrichment Program for students entering 6th through 8th grades. An intern is assigned to each teacher. 


Our summer program students will begin the summer program with a diagnostic test. We will provide academic enrichment in the morning from 8:30am., and the program will continue with recreational and cultural activities in the afternoon until 4:30pm. for approximately 140 inner-city students.  As an incentive for our students, we plan an exciting and adventurous culminating weekend summer trip designed just for fun and enjoyment for students and staff.  The trip is scheduled at the conclusion of our summer academic and recreation programs.


Internship Start/End Dates: 8 weeks


Application Process:

Please call or email John Dunston for an application. 


Application Deadline: 

Stipend Provided? Yes

Housing Provided:

Hosted Bonners Before:



Service Opportunity


Service Opportunity Description:




Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:



Resource Opportunity


Resource Availability:  




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