Volunteers for China
Organization Description: Volunteers for China is a Christian 501(c)3 Tennessee Non Profit that concentrates on recruiting volunteers for educational teaching programs in mainland China. Programs are oral English based with specialty areas of medical English, technical presentations, and other areas where English is the medium.
Issue Area(s):
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
- Job opportunity
- Resource Provider
Internship Position
Internship Description: Students interested in spending the summer or an extended period working in China can work with VFC staff to meet their Bonner Summer Internship Program requirements. Projects in China may last from three to six weeks or longer if needed. College students, teachers, and/or high school graduates can serve in an oral English program where the students are a mixture of Chinese English teachers and Chinese students. American students help the Chinese students to overcome the fear of speaking while they participate in the classroom teaching situation. American students can also take brief Chinese classes learning Chinese language, art, calligraphy, history, cooking and traditional tai qi. They will work with Chinese students learning American cultural activities in the afternoon and evenings. Volunteers must be flexible concerning program content. This is a great internship opportunity for those who want to live and work in a very different context and gain international perspective.
VFC is a Christian organization that works with the legal Christian Church in China. We obey all of the laws of China while in country and do not practice any violations of Chinese law while serving in the capacity of educational teachers. VFC expects and requires that all volunteers respect the laws of China while taking part in any of our programs.
All students are advised to obtain immunizations in accordance with public health guidance. A good dental visit is also advisable before leaving. All students should be in good physical health and be completely independent as far as movement and carrying of own luggage.
Internship Start/End Dates:
Application Process: Please contact Volunteers for China for more information.
Application Deadline:
Stipend Provided?:
Housing Provided?:
Hosted Bonners before?:
Service Opportunity
Service Opportunity Description:
Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
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