United Mountain Defense
Organization Description: United Mountain Defense is dedicated to protecting the watersheds, air, mountains, and people of TN and Appalachia. Our organization is committed to halting mountaintop removal coal mining (otherwise referred to as cross ridge or contour mining) in Tennessee. UMD conducts activities in three principle areas: legal and policy advocacy; scientific monitoring and data collection; and public education, outreach and grassroots organizing. These activities are conducted within the state of Tennessee, primarily in Campbell, Claiborne, Scott, Fentress, Bledsoe, Knox and Blount counties.
We are committed to nonviolence and will not be engaged in property destruction.
Issue Area(s):
- Environment
- Policy & Advocacy
- Community Development
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
Internship Position
Internship Description:
Internships can be tailored according to individual interest and skill. Scroll down the list to see the variety of topics.
Aquatic Science
We need help with our chemical and biological water monitoring program. We need help generating the baseline data for pre-mined streams. We need folks who can gather field samples of water exiting mine sites, test the water using our hot kits or campus facilities, and enter data into databases. We need site specific written statements generated about the water quality to submit to TDEC and OSM at public hearings and for our newspapers.
We need help creating fresh 2D and 3D artworks/ public outreach pamphlets about mountains or mountain top removal coal mining. We would like to co-sponsor a Mountain themed art show at a local gallery where pieces would be auctioned. Also we are beginning a collaborative project with a famous artist named Francesco di Santis who created the Post Katrina Portrait Project. Basically we would like to digitally record the drawing of the people and speed up the drawing, condense a bunch of these together and put them online as outreach about the project. We would also like to record the folks holding their portraits and reading them and adding some other info for an oral history project that we will be submitting to the Library of Congress.
Cinema Studies
We would like to create videos about Appalachian stereotypes and how they compare to other historical inaccuracies. We would like to document our group’s actions and post them to online sites including YouTube. We want to create and show what life in Appalachia is like today.
Computer Science
We need website help including training volunteers and adding updated content. We need to create an online store to help market goods and services provided by coalfield residents. We need to increase our hits on Google. We need a program that allows us to send one email to all the IndyMedia websites in the world at once. We need a simple database and training to help keep track of incoming volunteers.
Cultural Anthropology/Sociology
We need help conducting our Listening Projects where you go door to door using active listening to gauge coal field resident’s community and mining concerns. We need folks to revisit supporters we have met through past Listening Projects. We would also like to start a recorded oral history project to be submitted to the Library of Congress and posted on our website. We need articles about your experiences in the coalfields for our newspapers.
We need help creating original stories about mountain top removal coal mining and converting them into shadow theatre productions. We could also use help writing letters to the editor of various newspapers and posting your updated content onto websites including IndyMedia, local media outlets, and other independent media sources.
We would like help identifying tree species on a 100 acre outdoor classroom in Eagan, TN and creating classroom maps. We need help identifying logging operations that are not following rules and regulations. We would also like to offer tree identification classes in coalfield communities.
We need help updating our maps of present and future coal mines. We want to map, visit, and sample all the drinking water springs within a 50 mile radius of Knoxville . We need help surveying sites before mining occurs to make sure that permit maps are correct. We need to visit mine sites and generate site specific written statements about slope stability to submit to TDEC and OSM at public hearings and for our newspapers. GIS work?
We need help researching the history of coal mining in TN and Appalachia and writing articles for our newspapers the Tennessee Mountain Defender and the Pan Appalachian Defender.
We need help copy editing and producing content for our newspapers. We need recording and distribution of radio PSA’s, help creating MP3’s of our existing print media, updating our website, and creating a media blitz on YouTube.
Law School
You will work with UTK Law School grads, Gena Lewis and Chris Irwin and other nationally recognized lawyers to help stop surface coal mining in TN and Appalachia . We need help monitoring TDEC and OSM for any new coal mining permit requests or changes. We need help requesting public hearings on these permits. We need to visit mine sites and generate site specific written statements to submit to TDEC and OSM at public hearings and for our newspapers.
We need a better business plan for our non-profit because our shoestring budget is broken. We need to find better ways to sell our non-profit. We need bigger fundraisers and some paying investments. We also know some self employed coalfield residents who could use a good business plan.
We need help creating songs about the mountains and coalfield communities to be sung around our campfires. We would like to post your songs on our website and create a CD as a fundraiser. We would like help setting up concert benefits at local music venues. We would also like to offer music classes in coalfield communities.
We need help with our mycoremediation flagship project. It is a 100 acre recovering coal mine site/outdoor ridgeline classroom located in Eagan , TN. We need help collecting and identifying existing mushroom species, culturing, spawning, and mycoremediating with local species in the manner of Paul Stamets. Everything Mushrooms has offered use of their clean room and culture library to keep species site specific. We want to identify ANY species that will eat coal slurry and acid mine drainage.
We need help creating original stories about mountain top removal coal mining and converting them into shadow theatre productions. We would also like to create, document, and film scripted/ unscripted guerilla theatre as protest to be performed at various locations in Knoxville.
Internship Start/End Dates:
Application Process:
1) volunteer fills out UMD online application
2) UMD Volunteer House Coordinator calls references
3) volunteer completes a phone or in-person interview
4) secondary review by UMD Volunteer House Coordinator
5) applications presented to the Board for final approval
6) UMD Volunteer House Coordinator sends out orientation packet and arranges volunteer term and logistics
Application Deadline:
Stipend Provided?: No
Housing Provided?: Yes, free communal living house and camping
Alternative Spring Break Service Opportunity
Any of the above Internship opportunities can be converted to Alternative Spring Break projects.
UMD will keep excellent records of the work that you do in order to provide outstanding references for future employers. You will meet some of the coolest folks from Appalachia and all over who have been fighting to preserve the mountains and their coalfield communities for over 30 years. You will see some of the most beautiful country on the east coast and have a hand in making sure that it stays that way. You will make friends that will last a lifetime.
Come on down, or if you can't come do some fundraising or tabling/ outreach to help the effort! Contact us about our wishlist as it is constantly changing. We also work with people from all over Appalachia so there may be someone a little closer to your home or school. Check out for more details.
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
Policy and Advocacy Connection
Does this organization/program offer opportunities for students to engage in policy research, advocacy, lobbying, public education, etc.?
Type of Opportunity & Description: Advocacy and Policy
United Mountain Defense is dedicated to protecting the watersheds, air, mountains, and people of TN and Appalachia. Our organization is committed to halting mountaintop removal coal mining (otherwise referred to as cross ridge or contour mining) in Tennessee. UMD conducts activities in three principle areas: legal and policy advocacy; scientific monitoring and data collection; and public education, outreach and grassroots organizing.
Current Contact
Updated 11/2010
Name/Position: Matt Landon, Volunteer House Coordinator
Phone: 865-689-2778
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