
Bonner Partner > The Johnson Intern Program

Page history last edited by Annelisa 14 years, 12 months ago


Johnson Intern Program


304 E. Franklin Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27514 


Website: www.johnsoninternship.org


Contact Information: 

Lead Contact: Susan Gladin, Executive Director

Contact Phone: 919-929-2193, Ext. 14

Contact Email: johnson.intern@gmail.com


Organization Description: Originally started by an Episcopal Congregation, The Johnson Intern Program (JIP) is now a 501(C)(3) dedicated to experiential education, spiritual formation, and leadership development for young adults who are on a journey of how to "be" in the world before they decide what to do.  JIP offers a rewarding year of discernment and training in the Servant-Leader model.



Issue Area(s):

  • Community Development
  • Homelessness 
  • Religious Service 


Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:

  • Alternative Break Site
  • Internship opportunity
  • Educational opportunity
  • Job opportunity
  • Resource Provider


Internship Position

Internship Description: As many as 8 Interns work 4 days a week in direct service through non-profit organizations or, in a special program, in socially responsible FOR profits that seek service first.  Interns live in intentional community and are given a wealth of resources on community living.  Our Fridays are reserved for Servant Leadership (SL)and skills-based leadership training.  In the fall our interns complete the basic SL course as well as the exploration of Community.  In the spring they go through a class in "Call" and then teach a course of SL to their peers.  In the spring they also participate in "Praxis" which is a self-designed service project through which they learn project planning, grant writing, and program development.



Internship Start/End Dates:

Application Process:



Application Deadline:

Stipend Provided?: Yes

Housing Provided?: Yes

Hosted Bonners before?:



Alternative Break     


Service Opportunity Description: This is an area we'd love to develop, as we have all of the resources intact, including housing, for Bonner Scholars to come and spend the summer in direct service through our organizations and in leadership training on the Servant-Leader model.




Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:



Resource Opportunity

Resources Available: 



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