
Bonner Partner > Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education

Page history last edited by Partners 14 years, 2 months ago




101 E. Weaver St., Suite 201

Carrboro, NC 27510 


Website: www.unc.edu/depts/scale


Organization Description: The Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education (SCALE) is a network of college students, adult learners, administrators, literacy practitioners and community partners working to implement and support participatory education and social change work in campus-based literacy programs. SCALE is part of the School of Educationat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We are committed to: 


*Advocating for literacy education as a tool for the transformation of individuals and society - as a vehicle for social justice 

*Increasing college student involvement in literacy 

*Building on the idealism and enthusiasm of college students and supporting their successful civic participation 

*Developing leadership opportunities and creating a mutual learning process for both college students and learners 

*Sharing the principles and practices of participatory literacy 

*Promoting literacy education that respects the communities and cultures of its participants 

*Promoting partnerships between campuses and communities 

*Linking the college student movement with local, state, regional and national organizations committed to literacy and social change 


We view literacy as a tool for personal and social transformations, and emphasize the connections between literacy and social justice.   


Issue Area(s):

  • Education
  • Advocacy
  • Social Justice 


Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:

  • Alternative Break Site
  • Internship opportunity
  • Educational opportunity
  • Job opportunity
  • Resource Provider


Internship Position

Internship Description:



Internship Start/End Dates:

Application Process:



Application Deadline:

Stipend Provided?:

Housing Provided?:

Hosted Bonners before?:



Service Opportunity


Service Opportunity Description:




Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:


Resource Opportunity

Resources Available: 


Policy and Advocacy Connection

Does this organization/program offer opportunities for students to engage in policy research, advocacy, lobbying, public education, etc.?

Type of Opportunity & Description: Advocacy

The Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education (SCALE) is a network of college students, adult learners, administrators, literacy practitioners and community partners working to implement and support participatory education and social change work in campus-based literacy programs. SCALE is part of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. SCALE is committed to: Advocating for literacy education as a tool for the transformation of individuals and society - as a vehicle for social justice and linking the college student movement with local, state, regional and national organizations committed to literacy and social change SCALE views literacy as a tool for personal and social transformations, and emphasizes the connections between literacy and social justice.

Current Contact

Updated 11/2010

Name/Position: Priscilla Wood, Director of America Reads

Contact Phone: 919-962-1542

Contact Email:



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