National Coalition for the Homeless
Organization Description: Founded in 1984, the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) is a national network of persons who are or have experienced homelessness, advocates, service providers, and others committed to a single goal- to end homelessness. We take as our first principle of practice that people who have experienced homelessness must be actively involved in all levels of our work. We are committed to creating the systemic and attitudinal changes necessary to end homelessness. At the same time, we work to meet the urgent needs of persons who are presently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.
NCH is an advocacy organization committed to the principles that affordable housing, access to health care, civil rights, and living wages are fundamental rights in a civilized society.
Issue Area(s):
- Homelessness
- Poverty
- Advocacy
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
- Job opportunity
- Resource Provider
Internship Position
Internship Description: NCH's internship program provides students with an opportunity to assist in NCH's efforts on behalf of homeless people through research, the courts, the US Congress and grassroots organizing. In addition, interns contribute articles to our newsletter and website.
Internship Start/End Dates: Flexible
Application Process: Email, mail or fax the following: short cover letter and resume to the attention of Michael Stoops. Please contact Michael Stoops if you have any questions.
Application Deadline:
Stipend Provided?: No
Housing Provided?: No
Hosted Bonners before?:
Service Opportunity
Service Opportunity Description:
Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
Policy and Advocacy Connection
Does this organization/program offer opportunities for students to engage in policy research, advocacy, lobbying, public education, etc.?
Type of Opportunity & Description: Advocacy and Policy
(NCH) is a national network of persons who are or have experienced homelessness, advocates, service providers, and others committed to a single goal- to end homelessness and are committed to creating the systemic and attitudinal changes necessary to end homelessness. At the same time, work to meet the urgent needs of persons who are presently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. NCH is an advocacy organization committed to the principles that affordable housing, access to health care, civil rights, and living wages are fundamental rights in a civilized society.
Current Contact
Updated 11/2010
Name/Position: Michael Stoops, Acting Executive Director
Phone: 202-462-4822, Ext. 19
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