
Bonner Partner > McDowell Mission Inc

Page history last edited by Annelisa 14 years, 11 months ago


McDowell Mission, Inc.


225 Maple Ave. 

Welch, WV 24801




Contact Information:

Lead Contact: Jenny Lee, Ministry Worker

Contact Phone: 304-436-8300

Contact Emailmissionproject@citlink.net


Organization Description:  The McDowell Mission, Inc. is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to offer the hope of Christ to Southern West Virginia. There are three main service areas that the McDowell Mission provides to the community.

• First, the mission houses and provides projects for groups from across the United States and Canada to come for short-term mission projects to help make repairs on local homes.

• Another resource the mission provides is the Family Resource Center which consists of a Crisis Center, a Furniture Assistance Program, and a Thrift Store. The Crisis Center provides items such as personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies, infant layettes, etc. to individuals in need. The Thrift Store and the Furniture Assistance Program provide goods to families for little or no cost.

• The third area is the mission's youth and family department, called the Crossing.  This is a safe place for teens to come on Friday nights to hang out and learn about Christ. The youth center offers snacks, air hockey, foosball, video games, basketball, and other games for teens to enjoy.  The mission also has small groups for youth and offers leadership training through summer employment for local youth.


Issue Area(s):

  • Religious Service
  • Community Development 


Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:

  • Alternative Break Site
  • Internship opportunity
  • Educational opportunity
  • Job opportunity
  • Resource Provider


Internship Position

Internship Description: The McDowell Mission, Inc is a wonderful place to volunteer your time at any time of the year. During the summer, we offer several opportunities for internships. Summer internships last for up to twelve weeks. They begin roughly around May 25 and last until around August 15. We are flexible in working with students' individual schedules. There are three different types of internships in the summer. First, Bonner Scholars will work with the McDowell Mission's youth minister to encourage local youth to become maturing adults.  This involves leading them in facility and grounds maintenance as well as meeting with them as a mentor at least once a week.  Second, Bonner Scholars will work with the mission's day camp. This internship involves developing a nutritious meal  for the day camp. This person will purchase and deliver all food to the sites, keep track of the budget for all food purchased, and develop and present a child-friendly nutrition lesson to the children at the day camp sites once a week. The third type of internship is the Home Repair internship. Home Repair interns would be a leader for a work team each week. This entails: orienting the group to McDowell Mission and the area, leading the group to work sites and delivering all materials needed, and spending time with the volunteer group at meal time and free time. 


Internship Start/End Dates:

Application Process: Please call or email for an application.



Application Deadline: Rolling.

Stipend Provided?: No

Housing Provided?: Yes

Hosted Bonners before?:



Service Opportunity


Service Opportunity Description: The McDowell Mission accepts teams for short-term work projects.  Teams may come any time during the fall, spring, or summer. Housing is provided.  The fee is $225.00 per person plus the team must provide their own food.  Many of our teams work on homes of work with children while in the area.  Please call the Mission for more information.




Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:



Resource Opportunity

Resources Available: 



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