Indian Creek Nature Center
6665 Otis Road SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Contact Information:
Lead Contact: Richard (Rich) Patterson, Director
Contact Phone: 319-362-0664
Contact Email:
Organization Description: The Indian Creek Nature Center is a privately funded nonprofit organization located about five miles from downtown Cedar Rapids. Its mission is to promote a sustainable future by:
Nurturing individuals through environmental education
Providing leadership in land protection and restoration
Encouraging responsible initeraction with nature.
The Nature Center has eight staff members and about 300 volunteers. It operates a comprehensive environmental education program that includes programming for school children, senior citizens, and the general public. The Center manages a 234 acre natural area that is in the process of ecological restoration. It is a national environmental study area, and two national recreation trails wind through the property.
The Nature Center involves volunteers in program leadership, exhibit development, ecological restoration, and trail maintenance.
Volunteerism can range from as short as one hour to a a full season.
Issue Area(s):
- Environmental Issues
- Education
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
- Job opportunity
- Resource Provider
Internship Position
Internship Description: Interns normally wish to develop leadership skills, and most interns at the Nature Center are highly involved in educational program development and leadership. They are supervised by Senior Naturalist Jan Aiels. We would be interested in recruiting an ecological restoration intern.
The Nature Center would be happy to involve Bonner students in short or long term volunteerism in the summer, Christmas break, or spring break. Opportunities vary.
Internship Start/End Dates: Flexible
Application Process: Applications are reviewed by Jan Aiels. The number of internships available varies each year. In some years we can offer a stipend.
It's best to call for current information. We are able to organize short term volunteerism at short notice.
Application Deadline: Flexible
Stipend Provided?: Yes - varies.
Housing Provided?: No
Hosted Bonners before?:
Service Opportunity
Service Opportunity Description:
Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
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