Corporation for National Service
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20525
Organization Description: Provides opportunities for all Americans of all ages and backgrounds to help solve community problems and encourages all Americans to engage in such service.
Issue Area(s):
- Advocacy
- Community Development
Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:
- Alternative Break Site
- Internship opportunity
- Educational opportunity
- Job opportunity
- Resource Provider
Internship Position
Internship Description: Substantive research projects and /or special event coordination in departments throughout the Corporation. Internships begin in early June or late Fall.
Leadership/Publications Summer Internship Available with AmeriCorps*VISTA For more than 35 years, AmeriCorps*VISTA has been building permanent infrastructure to help organizations more effectively bring communities and individuals out of poverty. Today, as part of the AmeriCorps network of
national service programs, nearly 6,000 members serve in hundreds of nonprofit organizations and public agencies throughout the country --working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, reduce unemployment, increase housing opportunities or bridge the digital divide.
Position Available
The AmeriCorps*VISTA Leadership/Publications intern will be stationed at AmeriCorps*VISTA headquarters at the Corporation for National and Community Service in Washington, DC. The Corporation's internship program will begin June 3 and end August 16. These dates are somewhat flexible. The intern will have the opportunity to network with other interns within the Corporation and participate in professional development activities including a speaker's series. The intern will primarily be responsible for the following three projects:
*AmeriCorps*VISTA Leaders Toolkit: AmeriCorps*VISTA Leaders are
former VISTA members and Peace Corps volunteers with demonstrated leadership skills who provide recruitment and coaching support to teams of members serving on large AmeriCorps*VISTA projects. Leaders receive specialized training as well as ongoing technical assistance. The summer intern's primary responsibility will be to write/compile a toolkit of resources and effective practices to assist AmeriCorps*VISTA Leaders in their roles as mentors, recruiters, and coordinators. The toolkit will provide Leaders with an orientation to the program and provide a systematic way for them to
archive ongoing technical assistance materials as they receive them. The project will involve surveying current Leaders regarding their needs, overseeing content creation/compilation for the manual, and participating in the design process.
*"Effective Practices" Compendium: The intern will research a group of current AmeriCorps*VISTA projects and write feature-styled articles about the programs' nuts and bolts, success stories, and the contributions of the AmeriCorps*VISTA members serving with the programs. These articles will be used in The Source, AmeriCorps*VISTA's newsletter, other Corporation publications, and in preparation for Congressional hearings and testimonies.There may be an opportunity to publish them collectively.
* Recruitment/Marketing Campaign: AmeriCorps*VISTA hopes to grow its
Leaders program for 175 participants to 200 by the end of FY2002. The intern will assist in implementing a targeted outreach campaign to recruit current and former AmeriCorps*VISTA members and Peace Corps volunteers into the program. This will involve writing press releases, making recruitment presentations, etc.
Internship Start/End Dates:
Application Process: Please send resumes and cover letters to:
Shannon Maynard
AmeriCorps*VISTA Leaders and Publications Specialist
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20525
fax (202) 565-2789
(202) 606-5000 x428
Application Deadline:
Stipend Provided?:
Housing Provided?:
Hosted Bonners before?:
Service Opportunity
Service Opportunity Description:
Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:
Resource Opportunity
Resources Available:
Policy and Advocacy Connection
Does this organization/program offer opportunities for students to engage in policy research, advocacy, lobbying, public education, etc.?
Type of Opportunity & Description: Advocacy
Provides opportunities for all Americans of all ages and backgrounds to help solve community problems and encourages all Americans to engage in such service.
Current Contact
Updated 11/2010
Name/Position: Kerri Dunn, Intern Coordinator
Phone: 202-606-5000
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