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Bonner Partner > City Year Columbia

Page history last edited by Annelisa 14 years, 7 months ago


City Year Columbia


1817 Hampton St. 

Columbia, SC 29201


Website: www.cityyear.org


Contact Information

Lead Contact: Stacy Jemmott-Hunt

Contact Phone: 803-254-3349, Ext. 223

Contact Email: sjemmott@cityyear.org


Organization Description: City Year unites diverse groups of 17 to 24 year-olds in 15 communities across the country for 10-months of full-time, rigorous community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. In Columbia alone, these idealistic young leaders will make a difference in the lives of thousands of children throughout the Midlands area.  

     An "action tank" for national service, City Year seeks to demonstrate, improve, and promote the concept of national service as a means of building a stronger democracy. City Year envisions a day when the most commonly asked question of a young person will be: Where are you going to do your service year? City Year is a proud member of AmeriCorps. 



Issue Area(s):

  • Youth Services
  • Community Development 


Type(s) of Bonner Partnership Connections:

  • Alternative Break Site
  • Internship opportunity
  • Educational opportunity
  • Job opportunity
  • Resource Provider


Internship Position

Internship Description:

City Year Columbia

Development Service Leader

Summary: Service Leaders work on special initiatives or projects to increase the capacity of their team and the site.  The Development Service Leader is responsible for identifying and securing gifts in-kind, researching potential funding, and monitoring team expenditures. These activities will support the overall siteís goals for engagement.

Reports to:  Development Director

Dates of Service: August 2005 through June 2006

Roles & Responsibilities:

Resource Engagement

Attend and participate fully in committee meetings; Present your City Year experience in order to inspire potential funders as scheduled by Development Director; Participate in other sponsor outreach activities as advised; Assist with planning and organization of Open Houses, Information Sessions, and/or Visitorís Days.; Share potential fundraising opportunities with Development Director; Work with Flagship Project Leader and Civic Engagement Project Leader to develop plan for securing service-related materials and food for specific projects (ie. food for Young Heroes retreat, food for Camp City Year); Assist with acquisition of gifts for large-scale service events (ie. City Day, MLK Day of Service, NYSDÖetc); Ensure completion of in-kind process from initial request list to thank you letter; Maintain in-kind tracker throughout the year; Creates in Daily Briefing; Other responsibilities as necessary

Public Relations/ Media/ Events; Attend and participate fully in committee meeting ; Serve as spokesperson for City Year with local media outlets (print, radio, speaking engagements & etc); Serve as spokesperson for team with contact person for each event, answering questions and providing information to community members, participants, special guests, corps, City Year Champions, and City Yearís National office; Assist with mailings to potential team sponsors/ funders; Contribute to development of media alerts/ announcements; Deliver presentations to educate the community about City Year, AmeriCorps, and community service Team Sponsor Relationship; Assist with Team Sponsor summaries for each team sponsor as instructed by Development Director; Engage Team Sponsor employees in service at flagship sites and during site-wide service days; In conjunction with documentation coordinators and Project Leader, document events related to service



Service Excellence; Participate in direct service on a weekly basis.; Attend all Leadership Development Days and participate in Signature Service Days.


Corps Leadership; Uphold high level of corps accountability to the City Year code of conduct and expectations of service excellence; Embody the vision, mission and culture of the City Year organization and deliver organizational messages to corps members.





City Year is currently accepting applications for the position of SENIOR CORPS MEMBER ñ Recruitment Service Leader to serve Columbia and the surrounding communities.  Starting dates are: mid-July 2005 until mid-June 2006.


City Year is a national youth service organization that unites 17-24 year olds from diverse ethnic, educational, and economic backgrounds for a demanding year of full-time community service and leadership development.  The City Year Senior Corps Member serving in the Recruitment Department will take on leadership responsibilities for special projects. 


Position Responsibilities:

 Cultivate and maintain relationships with Columbus-area high schools for presentations and outreach 

 Plan and organize events such as information sessions and general presentations

 Provide customer service to individuals inquiring about City Year Columbia 

 Maintain, develop, and build systems of documentation for outreach, customer service, and knowledge management 

 Serve as ambassador to City Year values and culture both inside and out of the organization 

 Distinguish self as role-model of inspirational and professional standards for team and organization

 Train and lead the corps as a member of the Service Leader team

 Provide tutoring and after-school programming service on assigned team 

 Attend service events and projects to educate attendees about national service

 Attend Leadership Team meetings


Position Requirements:


 Be between the ages of 17-24

 Commitment to ten months of full-time community service

 Excellent oral and written communication skills

 Proven organizational and project management abilities

 Preferred experience & comfort working with Microsoft Office products ñ Word, Excel, 

            PowerPoint, and Publisher (PageMaker a plus)

 Strong verbal and written communication skills

 Strong Public-speaking ability

 Experience in event and project planning

 Leadership ability

 Positive ìcan-doî attitude


Position Benefits:

 Stipend of $250 per week (taxable)

 Upon completion of service, $4,725 for higher education (taxable)

 Health Care coverage and Child Care voucher (if eligible)

 High quality Timberland uniform

 Student Loan deferment





City Year is currently accepting applications for the position of SENIOR CORPS MEMBER ñ Young Heroes Service Leader to serve the Columbia communities. Start dates are: mid July  2005 until mid-June 2006.


City Year is a national youth service organization that unites 17-24 year olds from diverse ethnic, educational, and economic backgrounds for a demanding year of full-time community service and leadership development.  The City Year Senior Corps Member in the Young Heroes Service Leader position is primarily responsible for developing and implementing the Young Heroes program in Columbia. Young Heroes is a service-learning program for 100 middle school students.  


The Service:  The Young Heroes program seeks to foster the development of middle school youth into active citizens through out-of-school time service learning and building their heroic character through the values of commitment, courage, cooperation, and compassion. 

Young Heroes is a character development and service-learning program for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students of all backgrounds. City Year corps members run a rigorous 16-week Saturday program combining character development, citizenship skills, and weekly community service.


Position Responsibilities:

 Train and lead a team of 6-8 corps members

 Develop and implement year-long calendar for Young Heroes service and events 

 Develop strategies and process for recruiting Young Heroes

 Lead corps members in position-specific trainings for all corps and community volunteers

 Track activities and impact of service

 Coordinate all advance logistics for events and service projects with Young Heroes Service Leader 

 Act as a point person for Young Heroes Opening Day

 Co-facilitate reflection and service-learning team meetings with Ohio Avenue Service Leader

 Develop team-based activities and structured trainings to build team morale and support

 Reinforce corps membersí training for service, citizenship, and professional skills

 Distinguish self as role-model of inspirational and professional standards for team and organization


Position Requirements:

 Be between the ages of 17-24

 Commitment to ten months of full-time community service

 Previous experience working with children 

Proven organizational and project management abilities

 Demonstrated experience & comfort working with Microsoft Office products ñ Word, Excel and 

             PowerPoint, Publisher, PageMaker (Access a plus)

 Availability to work on Saturdays


Position Benefits:

 Stipend of $250 per week (taxable)

 Upon completion of service, $4,725 for higher education (taxable)

 Health Care coverage and Child Care voucher (if eligible)

 High quality Timberland uniform

 Student loan deferment



Internship Start/End Dates:

Application Process: Mail a resume to Stacy Jemmott-Hunt at City Year Columbia 1817 Hampton St. Columbia, SC 29201 or sjemmott@cityyear.org.  There is also an online application that can be found at www.cityyear.org.



Application Deadline:

Stipend Provided? Yes - $250/week

Housing Provided? No

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Service Opportunity


Service Opportunity Description:




Service Opportunity Start/End Dates:




Resource Opportunity

Resources Available: 



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