
Bonner History and Mission

Page history last edited by Robert Hackett 9 years, 10 months ago


The Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation supports anti-proverty programs in the area of hunger and education.  The Crisis Ministry Program concentrates its efforts in central New Jersey with support for 25 community-based and educational institutions combating poverty, especially in the area of hunger. Beginning at Berea College in the Fall of 1990, the Foundation began supporting a four-year, service-based college scholarship program.  The Bonner Scholar and Bonner Leader Programs have expanded to more than 75 colleges and universities across the country, providing "access to education, and an opportunity to serve" to more than 3,200 students annually.  


Since its founding in 1989, the Bonner Foundation has awarded more than $86 million in annual grants and another $85 million in Bonner Program Endowment awards to 20 participating colleges and universities (which have a current market value of more than $162 million).  The Foundation has lead a number of Federally-funded higher education consortium grants, including: a) four Learn & Serve America grants (three for community-based research and one for social media), b) three FIPSE grants (including one to establish civic engagement certificates, concentrations or minors), and c) more than ten years of national and State AmeriCorps grants (that support more than 1,000 members annually).



Mission Statement

Through sustained partnerships with colleges and congregations, the Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation seeks to improve the lives of individuals and communities by helping meet the basic needs of nutrition and educational opportunity.


Values and Beliefs

  •  The Bonner Foundation believes that colleges and congregations have vital roles to play in society in nurturing and mobilizing thoughtful, caring, and diverse leadership dedicated to community service.


  • The Bonner Foundation recognizes that often the best way to help someone is to give them the opportunity to help themselves, and that the people best able to address a problem are the people whom it most directly affects.

  • The Bonner Foundation recognizes that effective community service programs involve all stakeholders in their leadership.

  • The Bonner Foundation recognizes that long-lasting partnerships are based on mutual respect and common commitments.

  • The Bonner Foundation supports innovative programs that have the potential to serve as models for the field.


Programs & Initiatives

The Bonner Foundation operates and helps support in the following two program areas (note that several programs overlap these two areas):

Direct Foundation-Funded Programs


Foundation-Supported Programs



Funding Opportunities

The Bonner Foundation is not currently accepting new applications for funding.  However, we do welcome inquiries from colleges and universities that are interested in exploring the possibility of starting a Bonner Leader Program on their campus. You can read more about how to Start a Bonner Program.


990-PF for 2014.pdf


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