Beyond the Classroom

Bridging Theory and Practice

Book Recommendations

Books focused on making the Academic Connection with Service.


Book Recommendations



Cheryl K. Davis, Motivated to Serve, Motivated to Learn: Theorizing Care in the Composition Service-Learning Classroom

Davis explores the principles of service-learning that link theory with practice. 




Heidi Gottfried, Feminism and Social Change: Bridging Theory and Practice 

Feminist methodology grows out of an important qualitative leap in the feminist critique of the social sciences: the leap from a critique of the invisibility of women, both as objects of study and as social scientists, to the critique of the method and purpose of social change.




Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Freire offers an activist's approach to racial inequality and the ways oppresion operates. 




Paulo Freire, The Politics of Education

Freire offers an activist's approach to popular education and its capacity for securing transformative change. 




Myles Horton, Education for Social Change Reader or That Long Haul: An Autobiography

The writing and experience of Myles Horton, founder of the Highlander Research and Education Center, offers a view of education as a way to change the world collectively by challenging classroom and community barriers. 




Cathryn Berger Kay, The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action

An informative book for those interested in creating or overseeing service-learning programs. 




Dian Marino, Wild Garden: Art, Education, and the Culture of Resistance 

This book describes the cultivation of learning, nurturing the production of knowledge, and challenging assumptions using reflection and art.




Frances K. Stage and Michael Dannells, Linking Theory to Practice: Case Studies for Working with College Students 

Authors offer twenty-six case studies on student affairs that reflect the complexity of today's environment at colleges and universities. Challenges students to consider multiple overlapping issues within a single case study.



M. Elizabeth Tidball et al, Taking Women Seriously: Lessons and Legacies for Educating the Majority

This work examines the success of women's colleges to identify their distinctive characteristics and determine how these characteristics contribute to the success of their students. 


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